Monday, January 7, 2013

Whole30 Week 1: Jan2-Jan6

I've completed my first week of my Whole30.
 It wasn't a complete week since I started on January 2nd and not the 1st. 
Here is my meal plan and a few pictures from each day my favorite meals. 
Links to recipes are forth coming!

Egg muffins and grapes
Day 1: Jan 2
B: 3 Egg muffins, grapes
L: Salad with boiled eggs, avocado and orange bell pepper
S: Almonds
D: Chipotle Bowl with Chicken, fresh salsa guacamole and lettuce

Spaghetti squash with sauce,
 roasted asparagus and grapes
Day 2: Jan 3
B: 2 Egg muffins, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 Granny Smith apple
S: Raw almond butter and 1/2 Granny Smith apple
L: Salad, with 1/2 avocado, 3 slices of turkey, and orange bell pepper
D: Spaghetti squash with meat maranara, roasted asparagus and grapes
S: Fuji Apple

Salad with turkey, orange bell pepper
and avocado
Day 3: Jan 4
B: 2 Egg Muffin 1/2 avocado 1/2 c blackberries
S: Raw almonds and pink lady apple
L: Salad with Turkey, avocado, and orange bell pepper
D: Spaghetti squash with meat sauce

Egg muffins, grapes and 1/2 avocado

Day 4: Jan 5
B 2 egg muffins, 1/2 avocado and  1/2 c grapes
S: Unsweetened apple sauce and raw almonds
Dinner: Salad with Chicken, avocado, bell pepper

Chipotle Bowl, chicken, salsa, guacamole
and lots of lettuce
Day 5: Jan 6
B: 2 Egg muffins
S: Pink Lady Apple and raw almonds
L: Chipotle Bowl, chicken, salsa, guacamole and lettuce
D: Chicken thigh leftover asparagus
S: Avocado

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