Friday, January 20, 2012

Personal Goals for 2012

So I have been inspired by Mandy over at Biblical Homemaking to have categories for my personal goals. I too need accountability. Do this has helped me think beyond my wants and focus on what the Lord wants from me this year. Mandy I loved your categories so I am using the same ones I think they are great!
Here are my categories for personal goals in 2012:

These are any tasks I want to accomplish. I am sure that I will tweak these as the year goes on seeing how I cant predict my whole year. I just know that this category is a place to put the things that I would live to accomplish in 2012. My goal is to keep you guys posted on a monthly bases!

I love to read, however 2 boys two and under makes it very difficult to accomplish this love of mine. My desire is to use this area to help me prioritize my time so that I can get back to reading regularly. A book a month will ROCK!

My bible study group at church encourages us to learn a portion of scripture per semester. I have never diligently applied myself but this year I plan to do just that. I remember doing AWANA as a child and learning lots of scripture. I love that I can still recall most of those verses. However at 26 I should have a bigger bank of verses that I can recall at any given moment to encourage, and equip myself and othersI went to Christian schools as a child and was required to memorize lots of Bible verses. My goal is to memorize all of James this year. Bible study started with just chapter 1 but I want to have the whole book in my head and heart.

As a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ my behavior is what the world sees sometimes before I even open my mouth. My character is a representation of what I believe. How I talk, act and treat others is a reflection of Christ. I want others to see Him in me. I am unable to do this alone. Only the Holy Spirt can give me the strength to become more Christ like  and change my heart towards Him. My prayer is for me to be open and obedient to His leading and His calling so that I can become more and more like Christ. I hope that through this project it will help me to see my shortcomings and sinfulness- the ones I can see {admit too} and those I don’t.
My monthly goals are coming soon.

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