So I am participating in my first Garage Sale this weekend with my MIL . I have to say for not having any big items it has been a real hit. I had a TON of clothes probably 150 peices of clothes that I will "one day fit into"! Well I decided that if one day I can fit into them I want a new wardrobe! Plus storing the clothes was taking up valuable closet space in my 3 closet apartment! Yes only 3 closets. Anyway, between Thur and Fri, Fri produced more customers. We shall see what tomorrow holds. I can tell you this much I don't like running a garage sale 8 months pregnant! Even though I got the best complement ever, a lady asked me how many months and when I said 8 she had a shocked look then said " You are so SMALL!" I am thinking YES!!! Because I am measuring bigger than with number one! But anyway we will see how tomorrow goes. I am SO ready for it to be over thought.
On a side not at my church we have a ministry called Building Blocks (its like MOPS) and the talked about the Truth about Women's insecurity I can't wait to share the great things I learned. I will tell you now that is laced with scripture so if you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you may not get much out of it. I do hope you still read thought and maybe you will have some questions for me. That is tomorrow post ( I hope)
Night, night!
lol, I just donated all my "one day I'll fit into" clothes. I guess it was time for me to let mine go, my youngest will 3 in January. Hope the garage sale worked out!