Friday, February 3, 2012

10 Things I want to teach my sons

Being a boy mom makes me think often about the life lessons I want to teach my boys. Being a gentleman is a lost art is seems. My desire is to bring up boys who grow to be great men of God and southern gentleman.
  1. Love the Lord your God with all your Heart. Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hand and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your house and on your gates.
  2. Respect your elders. So many kids these days have no respect for those who have lived longer. I want my boys to say 'yes ma'am' 'yes sir' give up their seat to an adult.
  3. Respect women. All women, all ages. Open the door, pull out her chair, get to know her for what you can give her not for what he can get from her. 
  4. Manners. This includes addressing people, introducing themselves, polite, table manners{not talking with your mouth full, passing food the right direction, no elbows etc}
  5. Carry on a dinner conversation. This means actually talking and no electronics. I hate when I see a family out and everyone is on their phone, or tablets. 
  6. Cook. I want my boys to know how to cook about a dozen different meals. I want him to know how to make a complete meal with sides that are vegetable and starch. I know that their future wife will appreciate that!
  7. Do laundry. Separate clothes by color and type. To know when to add bleach, stain remover and fabric softener. Wash/Dry on the correct settings for the type of clothes and PUT THE CLOTHES AWAY!!!
  8. Have a good work ethic. Understand that work is hard at times. It isn't about having fun all the time and you do things that are enjoyable. Go the extra mile. Look for things to do even when your tasks are completed. This is a foreign concept to most young people. 
  9. Manage their money. I want my boys to know at a early age how to manage their money. We will probably get Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Junior and go through that with them in the next year or so. 
  10. Enjoy life. I'm not encouraging them to think life is a fun free for all. But not be absorbed in work, service, obligation they can't let loose and enjoy the gifts the Lord has blessed them with. To foster relationships with others and have fun
What are you hoping to teach your children? Are they gender specific or all inclusive? 
I'd love to hear!


    1. Hello, just found your blog. Love this post. It's awesome to see women raising their sons to be real men who bless their families. I'm a mommy of three girls and it is encouraging to know I'm teaching them to be Godly women and others are preparing their sons to be Godly men :)

    2. This is a great got my mind rolling! I have a daughter & son and I don't have a list of specifics for them yet but I've prayed the same thing for them since I was pregnant. That they be kind and love Jesus!

    3. Found you over at WLW and have to say that I'm truly inspired by this post! You're on the right track and I want to encourage you to stick to it as the world is in desperate need of godly men!! Blessings to you and your sweeties, ~Lisa @ HappyinDoleValley :)


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