Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Oh my I am becoming a organizing/cleaning freak! I have been buying shelves, bins and baskets. I have purged, shredded and thrown away so much. Vacuumed, scrubbed, wiped, and swept my who apartment. I have a new love, organization! There are so many ideas for being more organized. Some of my favorites are magi zine holders, notebooks and binders. In a earlier post I talked about this women's idea for list. Well I want to show mine

So I just for this 5 by 7 notebook with 100 pages,
something that will easily fit in my purse.
I put tabs throughout the notebook.
My labels are:
  1. Misc.
  2. Movies to see/Books to read
  3. Websites to look up
  4. Blogs to write
  5. Gifts idea (for anyone I think of!)
  6. Date night ideas
  7. Family outing ideas
  8. David's Info (have a tab for each child)
  9. Robert's info ( have things like his clothing sizes so I know when I am out shopping)
  10. ME!!!
  11. Project to do
Having this list helps me a) not have small pieces of paper with info on them everywhere, and b) not have to remember where I put that small piece of paper. So on to more cleaning and organizing, wonder how long after David it will last!

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